You can see examples of activities
we’ve realized
© Artfalcons 2023
Exhibition and explanation of the birds of prey at the school Sant Salvador, in Artà.
Exhibition and explanation of the birds of prey at the Medieval Fair in Manacor.
Exhibition of the birds of prey at different Fair: Algaida, Mancor de la Vall, Mercadal
(Minorca), Sant Joan, Artà, Son Servera, Son Ferriol, Búger, Fira de l’esport in Palma.
Flying shows at Fairs (d’Artà, de Búger, Medieval in Capdepera).
Participation in a documentary about hunting, and interview at the Manacor studios
for the program "Xarxa i Filats".
"Caça i natura a les aules" (hunting and nature at the classroom) for the "Federació
de caça de les Balears" (Balearic Hunting Federation) in Capocorb. (Algaida, Llucmajor,
Seminari de Palma, AMADIBA, Muro).
"Caça i natura a les aules" (hunting and nature at the classroom) for the "
Federació de caça de les Balears" (Balearic Hunting Federation) at different schools
(ASNIMO, Algaida, Blai Bonet in Santanyi, Montuiri, Llombards...).
Class about hunting and environment for the regional ministry of Environment in
Capocorb (Llucmajor’s school, Maria de la Salut’s school).
Control the overpopulation of pigeons at different hotels.
Falconry Course in Es Mercadal (Minorca).
Private birthday party at the agritourism "Sos Ferrers de Morey".
At the Capdepera Castle, exhibition and free flying, every wednesday, and at the
meeting of "vilafranquers d'Europa" at the Castle.
Free flying and explanation to pupils of the Verge de Lluc Institute (Palma).
Wedding photo shoot with our birds.